How to Use Lip Gloss & Lip Gloss Benefits

Uses of Lip Gloss

Lip gloss is a versatile and essential item in any makeup bag. Whether you're aiming for a subtle shine or a bold, glossy look, lip gloss can elevate your makeup game. In this article, we'll explore the various lip gloss uses, how to apply it effectively, and the numerous benefits it offers. So, let's dive into the world of glossy lips and discover how to make the most of this fabulous cosmetic product.

The Glossy Basics: How to Use Lip Gloss

1. Prep Your Pout

Before applying lip gloss, it's crucial to prepare your lips to ensure a smooth and long-lasting application. Here's how:

  • Exfoliate: Use a lip scrub to remove dead skin cells and create a smooth canvas. You can buy a lip scrub or make one at home using sugar and honey.
  • Moisturize: Apply a hydrating lip balm to keep your lips soft and supple. This step is essential to prevent the gloss from clinging to dry patches.

2. Line Your Lips

Using a lip liner can help define your lips and prevent the gloss from feathering. Choose a lip liner that matches your natural lip color or the shade of your gloss for a seamless blend.

3. Apply the Gloss

Now, it's time to add that shine:

  • Start at the Center: Apply the gloss to the center of your bottom lip and then press your lips together to spread it evenly. This technique helps avoid over-application and ensures a natural look.
  • Use the Applicator: Most lip glosses come with a built-in applicator. Use it to glide the gloss along your lips, starting from the center and moving towards the edges.
  • Layer for Intensity: For a bolder look, apply multiple layers of gloss. Just remember to keep the layers thin to avoid a sticky mess.

Lip Gloss Benefits: Why You Should Add It to Your Makeup Routine


Lip gloss isn't just about adding shine; it offers several benefits that make it a must-have in your beauty arsenal.

1. Instant Volume

Lip glosses have instant lip plumping powers. The gloss reflects and absorbs light, making your lips appear fuller and more voluminous. This is a great trick for those with naturally thin lips.

2. Hydration and Moisture

Unlike matte lipsticks that can dry out your lips, lip glosses keep your lips moisturized all day long. Many modern glosses are infused with hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid, which provide long-lasting moisture and prevent cracking.

3. Versatility

Lip glosses are incredibly versatile and can complement any look. Whether you're going for a natural, everyday look or a glamorous evening style, there's a lip gloss shade and formula for every occasion.

4. Easy Application

Applying lip gloss is quick and easy. You don't need a mirror or precise application tools. Just swipe it on, and you're good to go. This makes it perfect for on-the-go touch-ups.

5. Protection Against UV Rays

Some lip glosses come with added SPF, providing a protective barrier against harmful UV rays. This is especially important as the lips are often exposed to the sun and can easily get damaged.

Tips and Tricks for Perfect Lip Gloss Application

To make the most of your lip gloss, follow these expert tips:

  • Avoid Rubbing Your Lips Together: After applying the gloss, avoid pressing your lips together as this can cause the gloss to feather and lose its shine5.
  • Use a Lip Brush: For a more precise application, use a lip brush to apply the gloss. This is especially useful if you're layering it over lipstick.
  • Set with Eyeshadow: For a long-lasting pout, set your lip gloss with a matching eyeshadow. This helps lock in the color and adds extra shine.
  • Layer Over Matte Lipstick: Applying gloss over a matte lipstick can enhance the color and make the gloss last longer. This combination also prevents the gloss from shifting and feathering.

Creative Uses for Lip Gloss

Lip gloss isn't just for your lips. Here are some creative ways to use it:

  • Glossy Eyelids: Apply a small amount of clear or tinted lip gloss to your eyelids for a trendy, glossy eye look. This is a popular runway trend that adds a unique touch to your makeup.
  • Cream Blush: Dab a bit of lip gloss on the apples of your cheeks and blend it out for a dewy, natural blush. This works best with tinted glosses.
  • Highlighter: Use a clear or lightly tinted gloss as a highlighter on your cheekbones for a radiant glow. The gloss will catch the light and give your skin a luminous finish.

Lip Oil vs Lip Gloss

Lip oils and lip glosses both add shine to the lips, but they differ in texture, hydration, and overall purpose.

Lip oils are formulated with nourishing oils like jojoba, coconut, and argan that penetrate deeply to hydrate and condition the lips. They have a lightweight, non-sticky feel. Lip oils prioritize moisturizing and repairing dry, chapped lips.

Lip oils provide lightweight hydration while glosses offer high-shine color. Choose an oil for dry lip repair or a gloss for maximum shine and color payoff

Typsy Beauty Shade Shifter Lip and Cheek Oil stands out, offering a nourishing blend that penetrates deep into the skin to heal and rejuvenate lips. Providing a flushed, dewy look that doubles as a cheek tint. This color changing lip oil adjusts to your pH for a custom shade while hydrating lips.

Wrap Up

Lip gloss is a versatile and beneficial addition to any makeup routine. From adding instant volume and hydration to offering easy application and UV protection, the benefits of lip gloss are numerous. By following the tips and tricks outlined in this article, you can achieve a flawless, glossy look that lasts all day. So, go ahead and embrace the shine – your lips will thank you!

Remember, whether you're a lip gloss newbie or a seasoned pro, there's always something new to learn and try.

Happy glossing!